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Pashmina Brasil se especializa em pashminas para casamento, eventos corporativos e brindes. Variedade de acessorios como echarpes, xales, cangas e lencos.

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Weddings by Adriana Jansen

Weddings by Adriana Jansen is a digital publication covering weddings, fashion, culture, world affairs with a individual and unique perspective. Jansen is a former marketing strategist with experience in fashion, interfaith and politics.

Casamento Rústico: A Beleza da Simplicidade e o Encanto do Campo

Adriana Jansen

Casamentos rústicos têm conquistado corações ao redor do mundo, oferecendo uma atmosfera acolhedora e encantadora que celebra a beleza da simplicidade. Esse estilo de casamento, muitas vezes realizado em ambientes ao ar livre, como campos, celeiros ou jardins, destaca-se pela elegância despojada, elementos naturais e uma paleta de cores suaves. Vamos explorar as características marcantes e o encanto singular dos casamentos rústicos.

1. Localização e Cenário Idílico

O cenário é crucial em casamentos rústicos, muitas vezes escolhendo lugares que destacam a natureza e a beleza natural. Campos amplos, vinícolas pitorescas, jardins floridos e celeiros restaurados são algumas opções encantadoras. A escolha do local é essencial para criar a atmosfera desejada, proporcionando um ambiente descontraído e elegante ao mesmo tempo.

2. Decoração Charmosa e Artesanal

A decoração é uma parte fundamental do casamento rústico. Elementos artesanais, objetos vintage e detalhes DIY (faça você mesmo) são características marcantes. Centros de mesa com flores silvestres, guirlandas de folhagens, velas em potes de vidro e móveis de madeira são escolhas populares. A ideia é criar uma atmosfera acolhedora e autêntica, onde cada detalhe conte uma história única.

3. Paleta de Cores Suaves e Naturais

A paleta de cores em casamentos rústicos é frequentemente inspirada na natureza. Tons suaves e terrosos, como verde musgo, marrom, branco, creme e tons pastel, ajudam a manter a simplicidade e a elegância. A harmonia com o ambiente natural é uma característica distintiva desse estilo de casamento.

4. Vestimenta Casual e Descontraída

A moda em casamentos rústicos muitas vezes reflete a descontração do ambiente. Vestidos de noiva com tecidos leves, detalhes rendados e coroas de flores são escolhas populares para as noivas. Para os noivos, trajes mais informais, como suspensórios e gravatas borboletas, complementam perfeitamente o estilo rústico.

5. Cerimônias ao Ar Livre e Personalizadas

A cerimônia ao ar livre é uma característica marcante nos casamentos rústicos. Seja sob um arco floral, embaixo de uma árvore majestosa ou diante de um celeiro pitoresco, o ambiente natural se torna parte integrante da celebração. Votos personalizados e rituais únicos adicionam um toque especial e emocional à cerimônia.

6. Menu Sazonal e Delicioso

A culinária em casamentos rústicos destaca-se pela simplicidade e pela autenticidade. Cardápios sazonais com ingredientes locais e orgânicos são escolhas comuns. Buffets de estilo campestre, com comida tipica e opções caseiras, proporcionam uma experiência gastronômica acolhedora.

7. Entretenimento ao Vivo e Ambiente Aconchegante

A música ao vivo, muitas vezes apresentada por bandas sertanejas, country, folk ou acústicas, contribui para criar uma atmosfera aconchegante e intimista. Áreas de lounge com sofás e cadeiras confortáveis incentivam os convidados a relaxar e desfrutar do ambiente descontraído.

Em resumo, casamentos rústicos oferecem uma experiência encantadora que combina o simples com o elegante. Celebrar o amor em meio à natureza e à beleza do campo cria memórias duradouras e uma atmosfera única. Se você busca um casamento com charme e simplicidade, o estilo rústico pode ser a escolha perfeita para transformar seu grande dia em uma celebração autêntica e inesquecível.

Embrace Autumn Elegance: Your Ultimate Guide to Fall Fashion

Adriana Jansen

Hello, fashion enthusiasts! As the leaves turn into a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues, it's time to revamp our wardrobes and welcome the crisp allure of fall fashion. Join me on a stylish journey through this season's must-haves, styling tips, and beauty secrets to conquer the autumn chill in vogue.

Embracing Fall Colors

Fall paints nature's canvas in warm, earthy tones – from rich burgundies and golden yellows to deep greens and burnt oranges. Embrace these hues in your wardrobe, opting for cozy sweaters, chic scarves, and tailored jackets that echo the season's palette. Experiment with layering different shades to create stunning, multidimensional looks.

Stylish Fall Ensembles for Every Body Type

Celebrate your unique silhouette by choosing fall styles that flatter your body type. For hourglass figures, cinched waistlines with belted coats or A-line skirts accentuate curves beautifully. Pear-shaped beauties can opt for wide-leg trousers to balance proportions, while sleek, structured blazers complement apple-shaped figures effortlessly. Embrace your style with confidence and tailor your ensembles to highlight your best features.

Accessorizing for Fall Charm

Accessories are the crown jewels of any fall ensemble. Think statement scarves in luxurious textures, wide-brimmed hats that exude sophistication, and ankle boots that effortlessly transition from day to night. Layer delicate jewelry pieces to add a touch of elegance or opt for bold metallic accents to make a statement. Accessories elevate your look, adding that perfect finishing touch to your fall fashion repertoire.

Beauty Tips for Radiant Skin and Lips

The changing weather calls for extra care for your skin and lips. Combat the dryness with hydrating moisturizers, opting for products rich in natural oils and antioxidants. Treat your lips to nourishing balms and exfoliants to keep them soft and supple against the cold breeze. Don't forget your SPF even in autumn – UV rays are still potent! Embrace fall beauty with warm-toned makeup palettes that complement the season's hues.

As we bid adieu to summer's heat, let's welcome fall's enchanting embrace with open arms. Fall fashion is more than just outfits; it's an expression of your unique style amidst nature's spectacular transformation. So, layer up, accessorize with flair, and step into fall with confidence, radiating elegance and charm in every stride.

Join me in celebrating the beauty of fall fashion, and let's revel in the magic of this enchanting season together.

Warm regards, Adriana Jansen

Adriana Jansen

Columnist, Blogger, Marketing & PR consultant





Epoch Herald:





Fashion and Religion: An Enduring Connection

Adriana Jansen

I have always been fascinated by religions and exploring different cultures. In my journey, I also realized that religions have also played a role on how we dress ourselves, influencing my other passion: fashion. Religious elements have also been used in pop culture, couture and street fashion. Let’s explore in this article the connection between religions and fashion.

From ancient traditions to modern runways, the intersection of fashion and religion has long been a source of inspiration and cultural expression. While the influence of religious symbolism on fashion may seem like a recent trend, it is a dynamic relationship that dates back centuries.

A Brief History of Religious Influence on Fashion

Historically, religious institutions have held considerable influence over fashion trends. Clerical vestments, characterized by intricate embroidery, rich fabrics, and symbolic elements, have been an enduring source of inspiration for centuries. Ecclesiastical attire often featured elaborate patterns, from crosses to miters, and these motifs have found their way into secular fashion.

During the Renaissance, religious imagery played a pivotal role in art and fashion. The depiction of saints and religious icons in paintings and sculptures influenced textiles and embroidery patterns, with the Madonna being an especially popular source of inspiration.

Modern-Day Resonance: Fashion Meets Faith

In the modern era, the connection between fashion and religion remains palpable. Designers, celebrities, and fashion houses have embraced religious symbolism as a way to make bold, meaningful statements.

One iconic example is the queen of reinvention herself, Madonna. In the 1980s, she blended Catholic iconography into her wardrobe, with crucifixes and rosaries adorning her outfits. Her fashion choices sparked conversation and controversy, making it clear that religious symbols could be provocative and powerful fashion statements.

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More recently, designers have incorporated religious motifs into their collections, blending faith with fashion. For example, Dolce & Gabbana, a renowned Italian fashion house, has featured intricate cross designs in its runway shows, turning a symbol of devotion into a high fashion statement. This fusion of sacred symbolism with modern style showcases how religious elements can evolve and adapt within the fashion industry.

Jewish Style Fashion: A Unique Identity

Judaism, with its rich history and traditions, has had a distinct influence on fashion. The Jewish fashion world has seen a surge in popularity, thanks to designers like Rachel Roy and Tory Burch, who have drawn inspiration from Jewish culture. Modesty plays a significant role in Jewish fashion, with many Jewish women embracing stylish yet conservative clothing to reflect their faith. The modesty movement has gained traction outside the Jewish community, demonstrating how cultural and religious practices can shape broader fashion trends.

Muslim Fashion: A Tapestry of Diversity

In the realm of Muslim fashion, diversity reigns supreme. From the elegant abayas worn in the Middle East to the vibrant prints and colors of South Asian attire, Muslim fashion is a vibrant tapestry that reflects the intersection of culture and religion. Modesty, a key tenet in Islam, is often expressed through loose-fitting clothing, headscarves, and intricate embroidery. In recent years, Muslim fashion designers and influencers have played a pivotal role in redefining modest fashion and making it more inclusive.

The fashion world is gradually recognizing the significance of Muslim consumers and their unique style preferences. Major fashion brands are now offering collections that cater to modest fashion, expanding the representation of Muslim culture in the industry.

The connection between fashion and religion has a long and colorful history. It continues to evolve, with modern designers and celebrities integrating religious symbolism into their collections and personal style. As diverse cultures and traditions intersect in our globalized world, the influence of religion on fashion remains a dynamic and ever-evolving force. Whether through symbolic accessories, modest attire, or cultural influences, religion's impact on fashion is here to stay

My journey from Fashion to interfaith and back to Fashion

Adriana Jansen

Just sharing this article by my friend, Gravuni, and use the occasion to thank him for creating this short bio about my sometimes crazy journey. I would not have changed a single thing! Exposing myself to different cultures and religions gave me a different perspective about our world, and inspired me in so many ways, including artistically. One thing I have not mentioned yet before is how much I painted while living in the Gulf!

Click the image to read the article:

On a different note: I also would like to remind my readers and followers that this is October Pink, the month of breast cancer awareness. Get involved, even if just online, support other women!

Happy October…



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Welcome to the Adriana Jansen Blog: A Celebration of Style, Art, and Harmony

Adriana Jansen

Hello, and thank you for joining me on this exciting journey! I'm Adriana Jansen, and I'm thrilled to introduce you to my blog, a space where I'll be sharing my love for fashion, decor, and so much more.

Throughout my life, I've had the privilege of exploring diverse worlds, from the glamorous runways of fashion to the serene halls of monastic life. These experiences have enriched my understanding of art, culture, and the essence of coexistence. Now, I'm eager to bring my passions and insights to you through this blog.

Here, you'll find a fusion of fashion and decor insights, with a touch of my own unique perspective. From style tips to decor inspirations, I'll be your guide on a creative journey through the world of aesthetics and design.

But that's not all. My curiosity and passion extend beyond the realms of fashion and decor. As someone deeply committed to promoting coexistence and understanding, I'll be sharing my thoughts on various programs and initiatives aimed at fostering unity in our diverse world. Having worked on campaigns promoting harmony and diversity, I'm excited to delve into these essential topics with you.

So, whether you're here for the latest style trends, home decor inspiration, or to engage in meaningful discussions about coexistence and art, you're in the right place. This blog is not just about aesthetics; it's about creating a beautiful, harmonious world through shared passions and ideas.

Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. Let's celebrate style, art, and harmony together right here on the Adriana Jansen Blog. Stay tuned for a tapestry of inspiration, knowledge, and creativity!



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